New way to feel like a kid again!

Doesn't everyone remember when they hauled a treasured possession to school and told their friends why they loved it so much? Well, now they have the chance to share on a whole different level with Show & Tell for grown-ups.


The public is invited to bring old photos, letters, family mementos, or even an ancient artifact to show and tell the stories behind these items. Personal Historian Rebecca Robinson will host the event at the Main Branch Library - 1380 Ellis St.
 Kelowna, B.C. on Saturday, May 17th at 10:30am and coffee with local goodies are provided.


Grown-up Show & Tell events are happening across North America and abroad in partnership with the Association of Personal Historians (APH).


Perhaps it’s an old letter parents wrote to one another during the War or maybe an instrument passed down through generations. The possibilities are endless.


This program is being replicated all across the country in communities such as ours. Anyone is welcome to join in the fun and become part of the conversation. Participants don't have to show and tell – they can just look and listen. It’s free, it’s fun, and the stories will warm the heart.


The Mission of APH is to support its members in recording, preserving and sharing life stories of people, families, communities and organizations around the world.

Procrastination is not an option. Memories fade. People die. APH envisions a world in which the story of every person, family, community, and organization is recorded and preserved.

About Life Story Film

Life Story Film has a mission – to change the way our elders are remembered for the sake of future generations. Owner Rebecca Robinson has been interviewing and producing video biographies for families to capture even the youngest viewer's attention. Sharing your wisdom, roots and heritage adds priceless value to the lives of those we care about.

PLEASE RSVP if you would like a sharing slot: or call the ORL at 250-762-2800. Hurry - spots are limited!

About Association of Personal Historians

Founded in 1995, the Association of Personal Historians is an international organization with about 675 members. APH has 13 Regions and 17 Chapters worldwide.